
I was about ten when I first met with a real computer: it was our neighbour's Commodore 64. I was so excited that my dad had to buy one for us. I liked games, but I more liked the fact I can make the computer to ask some input from me then output them differently on the screen. A few years later my parents enrolled me in a course where I learned how to use Windows 3.1 professionally and how to code in Basic. I'm not saying I was a kid genius, but my interest in computers was very obvious from an early age. I was already deeply in love with movies, but computers seemed to be my new passion.

I built my first PC mainly to write songs with Fast Tracker 2, but it also helped me to manage my massive VHS catalog. Then I become a big fan of diskmags. I ripped apart their compiled codebase to see how they worked. I already wrote a few Basic programs by that time, but it was just a hobby. Over the years, I learned about Turbo Pascal, Perl, and became very familiar with mot CorelDRAW products and Paint Shop Pro.

Then came the internet. I started coding websites for Netscape Navigator through a dial-up modem with FrontPage Express, using the earliest versions of HTML and CSS. In my twenties, I launched a webmagazine about movies and began to make websites for different size of businesses.

Various desktop setups between 2009 and 2020
My desktop setups between 2009 and 2020

In 2005, I needed something more permanent, so I was building websites using TYPO3 and PHP 5. Years later, I grew tired of agency projects, I tried myself a freelancer, but I had no real strategy. After two challenging years, rent and bills eventually won, and I lost my independence. Since 2013 I have been an employee until massive lay-off waves in 2023 finally reached me. In the last decade, I have worked for small agencies and even large corporate machines. Nowadays, I'm freelancing, contracting and working on my own ideas.

I have been building websites and web applications for 23 years now. I started as a web designer, but found myself more efficient in site-building, and in the end I learned how to become a proficient PHP developer. I find myself more satisfied with backend programming, but things like Tailwind and VueJS drew my attention back to frontend for a bit. I met JAMstack, tried myself in mobile development and gained some necessary devops knowledge. My curiosity knows no boundaries.

I was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, but I moved to England in 2017 and restarted climbing the career ladder from the bottom. In just five years, I have achieved most goals I have imagined in my career.

Although I've worked mainly in web development in the past two decades, I consider myself an open-minded software developer, eager to learn and explore everything that advances my experience and keeps my brain engaged. I've been working from my home office since COVID-19, but I frequently appear in a local meetup or spend the day in a co-working space.

In my free time, I'm a geek dad in his 40s who collects records and love to spend time in the nature. I'm somewhere between an introverted and extroverted person, but I'm always ready to travel and immerse new cultures.